CAROL DROBEK                                    PRINTED LIGHT                             PHOTO  ILLUSTRATION

S E L E C T E D  C L I E N T S
Chevron Corporation-  United States Savings Bonds brochure for the US Treasury, cover
Foote Cone and Belding- Nikon NSR, product brochure
Paragraph Design- Simon and Schuster, product brochure
RKD Design- Silicon Graphics, annual report
Wells Marketing- Visa, software packaging and collateral
AT&T direct-trade show display
Mandala Design, Sperry Univac, poster

P U B L I C A T I O N S - E D I T O R I A L
California Monthly-cover and ongoing illustrations
Macworld-inside full page
Advanced Systems-2 covers
New Media-cover
Cardiology 2000-cover
Discover Magazine-inside illustration
Electronic Musician-inside full page-4 editions
Stars-cover, internal magazine, the Leo Burnett Co.
LAN Times-cover and inside illustrations, 10th Anniversary issue
Arthur Anderson-cover, internal magazine